Friday, 26 June 2015

Negativity in your life.....

Oh hey guys!

As someone who struggles a lot with negativity in my life I wanted to make a post to declare that with anyone reading this I will aim to get rid of most if not all of it by the end of the summer. I find negativity just brings me down constantly if we constantly are plagued by it then we will become it and life will become one big chore. Here are my tips... (I am definitely not an expert!)

1. Ditch the negative/fake friends

I know, this one is the first step and yet may be deemed the hardest where "friends" are concerned but I find in everyone's life there is at least one person who wouldn't be there through hard times or text you to see if you were alive after a few days. To those I say are you really a friend or have we deemed you a friend based on seeing you around or hanging out a few times. I feel like the word friend is labelled to people far to quickly and we often find through doing this we may feel popular or important but when it matters that's when you find out who's there for you. Negative friends who put you down for your weight, your choice of boyfriend or outfit are just adding gloom to your life. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with a friend hating something you love but if you're constantly put down by them it can become to much, the friendship becomes negative. My suggestion is to only surround yourself with people who influence you in a good way, people who have positivity and people who just generally love you and want to be your friend for you being you. DITCH THE NEGATIVES!

2. Focus on the positives

This is a very broad title, it can include so much from looking at yourself, at what you have or even where you're going. In society we are constantly looking at the " perfect" image of a woman or man, society tells us to be skinny wear the most expensive thing and our lives will be mapped out by what grades you got and what university you did or did not get into. It can weigh down on people, it does have a detrimental effect on us, I have to admit that looking in a mirror to me is not something I do for long periods of time. There is ALWAYS something wrong, something I wish was different or something someone has that I don't. Instead  I give myself and you out there a task, next time you look into a mirror tell yourself why you are beautiful not why you aren't and before anyone says there is nothing beautiful... STOP this type of thing is exactly the kind of negativity that you don't need in your life. There is beauty in every human being and creature that is on this earth. FOCUS ON THE POSITIVES.

3. Focus on now

It can be easy to focus on the future not know where you are headed perhaps with a career or relationship and that in itself can produce negative thoughts and feelings but focus on the here and now. You might have a subject you love doing not necessarily for a career, you might have a boyfriend you adore or even be a sassy singleton who doesn't need a man. Just allow yourself to breathe and enjoy the moments you are experiencing let go and live!

I hope this wasn't a pointless post, I felt that this was something I had to do myself and so I wanted to share that with you guys.
That's all for now


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