Monday 2 May 2016

Life Updates and Explanations!

Oh hey guys!

So I have a bit of explaining to do, if you’re a regular reader of my blog then you would have realised that I haven’t uploaded in almost a month. Realistically that was not my plan however, university assignments got demanding and as I have just finished my second year I can definitely devote my time to my blog now.

Now a lot of things have changed in my life since my last post and as you guys are like friends I feel like we need a good old catch up, so here goes…

New Job
I’m unsure on whether I disclosed this to you guys (I’m sure I haven’t) but since Argos made some people redundant including myself, it was hard for me to find a job. This was in January and I found a part time job at a working man’s club (members only bar) around March time. However, the conditions there were not amazing and I felt very isolated and ground down by colleagues so I gave that job up when I got my dream part time job!
Around my birthday I saw a positon in my local Waterstones being advertised and so I applied and had an interview. At this point in time I was unsuccessful which was kind of saddening for me so imagine my joy when another branch called me to offer me a job there. So here you are reading the blog of a Waterstones book seller which makes me super happy to write. I am absolutely loving it there, my colleagues are amazing and chilled making it a joy to work there. So far its been around 3 weeks but hopefully I can transfer to the Canterbury branch when I move there for my last year of university in July, fingers crossed!

(I don't take normal pictures okay...)

New Relationship
I have been single since around a year and a half ago, although I’ve seen people it was nothing serious. The past 6 months have been a case of dating which as many can relate to as being either magic or an utter tragedy! I was almost at the point of going into seclusion and giving up for another year at least when Mr J (this is as close as it gets until its Facebook official ;) hahaha) strolled in and stole my single status. I am at the point of the gooey loved up stage that makes me gag normally but I am super lucky and thrilled to have him in my life and although it is still fresh it feels like my future very much involves him. He is seriously ambitious and caring (and gorgeous, obviously!) and only encourages me to be the best I can be and set serious goals. Although with me living in Canterbury from July and himself being from Essex something tells me he will be driving up a lot and I will be commuting back and forth, but he is super understanding of my education and future and supports it 100% so there should not be a problem. Basically what I am trying to say is that I am happy for the first time in years and it makes me realise what a relationship is, not playing around with boys thinking its real.

As previously mentioned I am going to be moving to Canterbury for my final year of university in July (that’s when rent starts). I am so excited to be living back in the quaint town and it should make university A LOT easier since commuting this year has kind of been a nightmare (especially those 5am alarms for 9am starts). I am living with 4 absolute babes who are similar to myself so it should be an absolute dream. I also love the independence of living at university, I don’t understand students who rely on their parents due to laziness I will definitely be working the entire year.

Bridesmaid Status
My sister has finally set her wedding date for February 2017 in the sunny Cyprus area! So as my sister and I are set to be bridesmaids along with her 3 friends dress shopping has been underway. Although her original thoughts were of baby pink for some reason it has now changed to yellow (don’t even ask!) which I am unsure of how attractive I will look in it! The dress itself is from ASOS (see below) and is on the way to see how crappy it looks so I will keep you undated, if its not on here I will update on one of my social media platforms (linked below) so be sure to follow me and comment and chat with me.

I think that is all that you guys need to be caught up on, I will definitely make it my mission to keep my blog updated and connect with my awesome readers more. You can always DM me on Twitter or Instagram, I’m here for all of you lovelies! My next post on Friday will be my first collaboration post with a brand which I am super excited to share with you all, discount codes included. See you then...


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